
Share feedback on the designs!

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Lewisham Town Centre Survey

We are investing £24 million to revitalise Lewisham Town Centre – helping to boost the local economy, provide new jobs and create a vibrant space we can all be proud of. 

After seeking local input to help shape our plans, we have moved forward with our proposals to transform Lewisham Library, Market and High Street. Now we need your feedback on the designs.

Before completing this survey, make sure you’ve read about our proposals for Lewisham town centre here

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The next  questions are about our proposals for the wider town centre.

Celebrating Lewisham’s identity, community and culture is important to the town centre improvements.

Very positive PositiveNeutralNegativeVery negative
Refurbishing the historic clock tower
A new permanent canopy to revitalise the market, support local traders and create opportunities for events
More opportunities for street trading and outdoor dining
More space for events and community groups at the new Lewisham Library
Public art

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To help increase safety in Lewisham town centre, we are improving the CCTV and street lighting as well as reducing street clutter such as disused phone boxes.

Very unsafe

Very safe

The next questions are about our proposals for Lewisham Market. 

Very positive PositiveNeutralNegativeVery negative
New market canopy
Improved pitches / stalls
New layout
Better waste disposal
More trees and planting

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Sort in order of importance, with most important at the top.

The next questions are about our proposals for the High Street. 

Very positive PositiveNeutral Negative Very negative
Better pavements
Better lighting
More seating
More pedestrianised areas
Improved cycleways
More trees and planting

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Sort in order of importance, with most important at the top.
Sort in order of importance, with most important at the top.

The next questions are about our proposals for Lewisham Library, Culture and Business Hub.  

The Lewisham Library, Culture and Business hub will be a full refurbishment of the existing Lewisham Library and the local history archive alongside bringing in additional services and activities.     

Select one or more options
Add something else
Very likely LikelyMaybeUnlikelyVery unlikely
Visiting the library to browse or check out books
Visiting the local history archive
Visiting the café
Attending a cultural performance / talk / event
Use the children’s library / activities
Use the youth library
Use the gaming space
Use the media space (access to podcasting / vlogging equipment)
Use study space
Use a sensory space for neurodivergent needs
Visiting the rooftop bar
Making use of the Business Hub
Booking a meeting room

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Sort in order of importance, with most important at the top.

Final thoughts

Thank you for your feedback, please press 'Next' to submit your answers.